26 May My Top 3 Meals in Greensboro
3 minute read

Summer is basically here! Can’t you feel the excitement in the air? Never mind that humidity, I’m talking about the school kids counting-down-the-days type of vibe we have going on right now. I don’t know about you, but that feeling puts me and my family in the mood to get out and get adventurous. And what better to complement a little weekend adventure than eating out at the local restaurants? Us being transplants to the GSO area, we are still discovering what may be local staples of the food scene. We don’t know it all, but darn it, we know what we like! So without further ramblings, here are my top 3 dishes I’ve discovered so far in the Greensboro area.
Brisket Burnt Ends – Mac’s Speed Shop
This might actually be my FAVORITE dish in Greensboro! When you bite into these burnt ends you’re going to get crazy flavor. It’s on the appetizer menu but I regularly go ahead and make this my main meal; It’s not a big dish, but I kind of like that because It forces me into a mindset of portion control. That way I can have zero qualms about eating every single hushpuppy they bring out as my appetizer. Ah, let’s go ahead and make that two orders of hush puppies.

Hot Honey Pizza – Boxcar Arcade Pizza Stand
I should have snapped a pic of this when I was there last. Look for it. It’s on their menu. Now this might be particular to my palate, but I really like sweet stuff on a pizza. If you like pineapple and canadian bacon pizza, you’ll like this one. It’s thin slice, New York style pizza. A little floppy. I had this with my boys last month after a solid Saturday afternoon arcade sesh. Pro tip: seating is sparse at the Boxcar and there are no servers. You could honestly just hangout in the parking lot and do carry out. They had mine ready in 5 minutes.

Ultimate Breakfast – Herbie’s Place

Go here for the food. Go for the people watching. Go for the speed. Let’s talk about this in reverse order. I like to get in and get out when it comes to food, because I usually have my four kids with me when I’m eating out, so I always appreciate it when I don’t have to wait. The speed of this place will blow you away. Your food will be out in 5 minutes tops. Every time. I think it’s a demand and space issue. The staff moves fast! What’s also amazing is the amount of take out orders they process at the same time.
People watching. You get a nice, diverse mix of folks here–young and old, country and city, every ethnicity, everybody feels at home here. The seating is cozy so everybody hears everyone else, and even though you’re there with your little group, you get the sense that the entire place is silently rejoicing to be in each other’s presence.
This place converted me to two breakfast classics that I always skipped over before. Grits and omelets. They’re both great here, but you cannot go wrong with their ultimate breakfast–which is the classic breakfast combo pictured above. Order this on a slow Sunday morning and I guarantee you are going to have all the feels.